In this poster we get a long shot of the individual. As he his is the only person we see on the poster this suggests that he is the main character, the street is deserted suggesting that everyone else is in trouble and the way in which he is dressed suggests that he is smart, has some sort of power and is or used to be an important person.
The bright back-light shinning on him which seems like a sort of glow connotes that he is the hero of the film as it gives the effect of a halo which symbolises good and the audience immediately identify with him.
The way that he looks over his shoulder also connotes that he has to be constantly watching his back throughout the film and the faint images of helicopters in the distance connote that he is being hunted down because of doing something good that has been misinterpreted as bad. The way the actor is walking away connotes that he is going to leave all the trouble behind him.
The poster has low-key lighting and as the colours are dim and unsaturated it gives the impression that the film is serious and it connotes sadness because it also has a blue tint throughout. The futuristic bill-boards in the background connotes that the film is a science-fiction.
By making title of the movie in a bold and bright block font suggests importance, this makes the viewer want to come closer to the poster to find out more. When they do this they will come across the strap-line which states ‘how do you save humanity when the only thing that’s real is you?’ this too also helps the audience identify with him because it makes it known to them that he is the only real and has to save the world alone.
The colour of the actors name is in a red font and is the only birght colour we see, this connotes that there will be blood shed in the film.
www: You consider well symbolism of elements of the mise-en-scene and how the audience may feel.
ebi: In your next piece of work try to cove all key concepts e.g. Explore who the target audience are, what the genre is, how gender is being represented etc and how you know this.